Friday, October 15, 2021

Chappelle is cool

 I watched the last release from Dave Chappelle ... and it was cool. Perhaps it wasn't ground-breaking. But it was cool - and yet people will still get on their high horses about it. In this case, the (I would presume) small minority of Karens in the trans community continue their agenda to attempt to bring down Chappelle due to a few jokes at their expense. Notably the 'team TERF' statement mid-way through his set. But, what they never fail to mention, is how he actively nurtured a trans comedian and gave her a chance many never would. He strived to improve her stand up and, when he was vilified after his first Netflix special, she defended him at her expense. Perhaps the retaliation from her community didn't drive her to suicide ... but it didn't help.


From all I've seen of Chappelle he uses his pain and frustration for good and to spread love. Your scape goat is not him. Go find yourself another martyr or, perhaps, learn to forgive and love instead. Even Bill Maher is on the side of rational thought ... which doesn't hurt one bit.