Oh, technology, you malcontented minx. You push me towards the new but without thinking through the consequences. It has taken you many moons to reach parity with the superiority of CRT's just to pull the rug out once more with the introduction of 'transparent' OLED. Even the Emperor's new clothes had better fidelity, compared to what this provides. Case in point:
You can get an infinitely better image at many magnitudes less money so outside of the party trick of resurrecting dead rappers, this serves no purpose. And, to add salt to the wound, it costs far more? Colour me unimpressed.
Which brings me to my latest discovery: if you remember, I had a small diatribe about my audio lagging due to the absence of a dedicated audio jack on my phone. Well, I fixed that. All it took was a USB-C to 3.5mm headphone jack converter. This allows me to avoid the annoyances surrounding charging, lag and the 'bluetooth tax' related to getting a wireless set of headphones. Overall, I am very happy, but still annoyed, that I need to thwart their attempts to push technology which is objectively inferior to that which its attempting to replace. It always helps to take a step back before you blindly follow the next trend. Your sanity and wallet will thank you.